Monday, March 15, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tanner Gillespie Decher

Born on February 21, 2010 at 6:30 PM at Riverside Hospital.
This is a blog I set up in order to accurately document the life of my son, Tanner Gillespie Decher, who, after seeing him for the first time, made me the happiest person on earth.
Tanner was born one day before my birthday, as my birthday is February 22nd 1977. I am now 33 and from here out I will not be dissappointed when my birthday comes and I do not get some sort of material present that I spend time jonesing for ehhem... like a sailboat, nice clothes and new watches -because Tanner's presence will remind me of the best present that keeps on giving; his little 'ol self.
I have the ability to make websites, and some of the links to the websites I have created are below, however I chose blogspot as the platform to use for this project as it is easy to use and there are lots of cool options which help to create a detailed and chronological page.
One cool feature that I quickly added was the video bar which is close to the top of the page under the heading. I'm sure that we will eventually purchase a video camera and when we do I will have fun editing, compositing, and posting famvids.
Che' was a dream during her pregnancy. She did not have any of crazy mood swings that I read about in some of the baby books I was given to get prepaired.Pre-labor started on the 19th when we went into the hospital after I got off of work. We stayed there until about 11Pm, then they sent us home and she was given something to help her sleep which worked well. The next night, Friday, we went back into the hospital after I got off work and this time her cramps were REALLY bad. She was dialted 2 centimeters which was really frustrating for her/us as she needed to be 3 in order to be admitted into the hospital and out of out-patient which consisted of a small curtained area with a bed and couch. It was extremely hot and cramped. I stayed until about 1 am when I finally called it a night and went back home to Parker Ave. for the night. She stayed at the hospital and was given something to help her sleep a few hours.
Che' called me the next morning at 5:30 am and I then called her folks and we all rushed to the hospital. Che' had been admitted at about 4:30 am dialiation. Her dialation process between 3 and 10 centimeters was pretty steady. That day, the 21st, I thought he would come between 12-2 but Che' did not start actual labor until about 4:30. I think Tanner was pretty comfortable in there and prob. would not have come out until my birthday but Che' was in too much pain to wait another day. We speed up the process with an IV bag of something and name escapes me, I'm not sure if it really helped. Anyways, during labor I had her left leg and the nurse her right during the pushing. The labor took longer than usual because Tanner was "Sunny Side Up" which means not breached but upside down. So... his face was towards Che's belly. Which caused Dr. Tan to have to use the Kiwi sucker to get him out. When he finally came out he was limp and blue for about five minutes because the labor was so stressful. Che' kept it together well during these five minutes which seemed like the longest 5 minutes in my life. I was scared and hopeful yet kept my mouth shut. Sharon cried. When one of the nurses told us he was breathing on his own I did not belive her because he was'nt crying. I heard the baby next door come out with a HUGE scream and that sounded normal. Another 4-5 minutes later I felt relieved having him in my arms and his making the little squeeky sounds he does now, 5 days after his birth. So I'm glad to say that all of baby Tanner's blood tests came back ok and Che' and I have a beautiful healthy baby boy. :)